How to Install Two MacOS Versions On One Computer?

Read this article to find out how to install two versions of MacOS operating system on one computer. How to install a beta version of MacOS 15 Sequoia as a second operating system.

How to Install Two MacOS Versions On One Computer?

You may need to have two operating systems if you don’t want to disrupt the stable work of your main system, but you also wish to try out the new features in the latest beta version of MacOS. This is especially relevant for developers and IT enthusiasts who want to be the first to explore the new developments and check them out.

Besides, installing a second operating system allows you to run old apps which might be incompatible with the new versions of MacOS. This way, you’ll be able to enjoy new features and at the same time retain access to all the necessary software, creating the best conditions for steady workflow and exciting experiments.

macOS Sequoia Compatibility conditions
Supported devices macOS Sequoia supports Mac computers based on Apple Silicon and Intel Xeon-W chips, as well as Coffee Lake 8th generation chips or later CPUs
Compatibility list iMac (2019 and newer), iMac Pro (2017), MacBook Air (2020 and newer), MacBook Pro (2018 and newer), Mac Mini (2018 and newer), Mac Pro (2019 and newer), Mac Studio (all models)
Compliance with requirements To find out if your Mac complies with the requirements to install macOS Sonoma, you can use an integrated software update tool in macOS or visit the Apple website for more information

In this article, we’ll explore how to gain access to the beta version of MacOS 15, and how to install it as the second operating system on your Mac.

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How to Install two MacOS Versions on One Computer

How to Install two MacOS Versions on One Computer

Step 1. How to get a beta version of MacOS for developers

You can join the Apple developer program and get your beta MacOS absolutely for free. To do it, you need to register as a developer at the official Apple website, and it can be done without subscription.

Go to the official Apple website and click – Enroll.

Join the developer program on Apple website

And the button below – Start Your Enrollment.

Register as a developer to get a beta version of MacOS

Then enter your Apple ID and you’ll be suggested to download an app and continue your registration from there, or do it from the browser. download an app and continue your registration

Download the app – Apple Developer.

Download the app – Apple Developer

Open Account and type your Apple ID to sign in.

Apple Developer: Now click Account and type your Apple ID to sign in

After that, click on Enroll Now to register in the Apple Developer Program.

Apple Developer: Enroll in the Developer Program

Then click Continue and I agree.

Apple Developer: agree to enroll

After your enrolment is complete, the system settings will display an option to enable beta updates. Open System Settings – General – Software Updates – Beta Updates.

MacOS: Open System Settings - General - Software Updates - Beta Updates

Choose the beta version of the required operating system from the drop-down list.

Beta Updates: choose the beta version of the required operating system

After that, the operating system will check for updates. As a result, the selected MacOS beta version should be displayed here.

MacOS: the selected MacOS beta version for update

To download it and update your system, click Upgrade Now. When the process is over, you will get a new version of your operating system.

With this method, you’ll be able to get the latest beta version of your MacOS and start testing it.

Step 2. How to partition your hard disk

To install two MacOS versions on one computer, you need to know how much free space is available on your hard disk, and if this space is enough to install another operating system. For MacOS Sonoma, you need at least 14 Gb of free disk space. If you don’t have that much space, clean up your disk.

When you’re done with that, you need to divide the main volume on your hard disk into several parts using the disk utility. To do it, open Launchpad – Other – Disk Utility. In the app window, click on View and choose Show All Devices. This will allow you to see the volumes on your hard disk.

Disk utility: Show all devices

Here, you should have a volume called Macintosh HD or Home. Select it and click on the plus button to create a new volume.

Disk utility: a volume called Macintosh HD or Home

Set a name for this new volume and click Add.

Disk utility: Add a BetaMacOS volume

If necessary, you can change the settings and set a size limit for this new volume.

As a result, you get a new volume. Now, you can use it to install one more version of the operating system.

New volume - BetaMacOS

Step 3. How to install two versions of MacOS on one Mac

Now that you have divided the hard disk into two volumes, you can start installing the second MacOS. For starters, you should download an installer for the required MacOS version.

Open Appstore, find and download the required installer.

Download the installer for  macOS Sonoma

There is no beta version in App Store, but you can download it later, using the method that involves Apple Developer app. With App Store, you can only download the available versions. If you’re looking for an older version, this process will be more complicated. Such installation will have to be done from the Recovery menu and with a bootable drive.

A bit later, you’ll see how to add a second operating system, but for now we’ll continue with the more traditional method.

When the download is complete, run the installer.

Installing macOS Sonoma

Now choose the volume where to install MacOS, and click Continue.

Choose the volume where to install MacOS

Type your administrator password, and the installation will begin. Wait until the process is complete.

Installation of macOS Sonoma

When it happens, your Mac will reboot, and this time it will boot from the new volume where you have installed the new operating system. This is followed by a typical sequence of configuration steps.

When it’s over, your Mac will reboot

As you sign in to your computer, you’ll be able to update this MacOS version to a new beta version using the method we have explored a few minutes earlier: download Apple Developer, sign in with Apple ID to register as a developer. After that, go to System Settings to enable beta updates, download and install a new beta version of MacOS.

As a result, your Mac will reboot and the installation will begin. In the end, your Mac will have two MacOS versions, the main one and the beta one. Your Mac will boot from the new volume, that is, from the latest operating system you have installed.

Mac will boot from the new volume, the latest operating system you installed

To boot the main operating system, restart your Mac while holding down the Options key. Choose the main volume to boot from.

Restart your Mac while holding down the Options key and choose the main volume

Then the main operating system will boot.

You can also configure the disk to boot from in the System Settings. To do it, open System SettingsGeneralStartup Disk.

Select the necessary volume and click the Restart button to reboot. As a result, your Mac will boot from the selected volume.

You can configure the disk to boot from in the System Settings - General - Boot Disk

Additional method. How to install two MacOS versions on one computer with the Recovery menu

One more method to install the second MacOS version on the same computer is by using the Recovery menu.

Boot your Mac in the Recovery Mode by holding down the Cmnd + R keys, and starting up the computer. Hold down the keys until the Apple logo appears on your screen.

Boot your Mac in the Recovery Mode

Run Disk Utility from the Recovery menu and create a new volume.

Run Disk Utility from the Recovery menu and create a new volume

Then get back to the main menu and choose Reinstall MacOS from the list.

Main menu: Reinstall MacOS

Select the new volume for installation.

Reinstall MacOS: Select the new volume for installation

As a result, your computer will receive two versions of MacOS.


Summing up, now you have two versions of MacOS on one computer, and you can easily switch between them by just rebooting your Mac and choosing the one you need. This gives users an opportunity to test new operating system features and try out various third-party apps while preserving the stable working environment of the main operating system. This is how you ensure safe operation of your Mac at all times.

Recover data from pen drives, memory cards, HDDs and SSDs in macOS.
Vladimir Artiukh

Author: , Technical Writer

Vladimir Artiukh is a technical writer for Hetman Software, as well as the voice and face of their English-speaking YouTube channel, Hetman Software: Data Recovery for Windows. He handles tutorials, how-tos, and detailed reviews on how the company’s tools work with all kinds of data storage devices.

Oleg Afonin

Editor: , Technical Writer

Oleg Afonin is an expert in mobile forensics, data recovery and computer systems. He often attends large data security conferences, and writes several blogs for such resources as, Elcomsoft and Habr. In addition to his online activities, Oleg’s articles are also published in professional magazines. Also, Oleg Afonin is the co-author of a well-known book, Mobile Forensics - Advanced Investigative Strategies.

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