Windows Based Data Recovery Tools in Los Angeles

Programs compatible with Windows Vista, Seven, Eight, XP for recovering deleted or corrupted files from Hetman Software in Los Angeles.

How to Recover Lost Data Remotely With RDM, Quick Assist, Team Viewer

These days, such service as online data recovery is becoming more and more popular and relevant. Talking of remote work (so relevant in these troubled times), the latest Windows operating system contains a few built-in features to assist you in setting up remote control for another user’s PC. This way, you can help your friends or relatives solve various problems they may have with their computers, including those that involve data recovery. However, establishing remote access to somebody else’s computer is not enough: you also need a specialized tool to actually bring the lost data back.


Как сохранить текстовый документ «Microsoft Word» в формате «JPEG»?

Корпорация Microsoft, являющаяся создателем наиболее массового, представленного на подавляющем большинстве компьютерных устройств в мире, программного обеспечения, ответственного за полноценный контроль и управление компьютером и всеми запущенными процессами, под названием Операционная система Windows, разрабатывает и выпускает ряд других популярных и востребованных продуктов.


How to Recover Lost Data From 4Kn Disks

With the fast development of hard drive industry, the companies producing them started the transition from the traditional sector size of 512 bytes to the larger and more effective 4K sector (holding 4096 bytes). However, there are plenty of people around who are still using 512 byte drives and haven’t seen a 4K drive yet. Talking of data recovery, not all recovery tools are capable of handling this specific drive type. In today’s article, we’ll try to find out what kind of hard disk drive is that and what advantages it has to offer for an average user.


Recovering Data From Windows Server 2019: Backup, Restore, Reset

Important data can be lost, or the operating system may crash due to a number of reasons, for example, a system update, a virus attack careless removal of a file, system errors, human faults, cleaning the Recycle Bin, disk formatting etc. If you face one of these problems, don’t worry: this video will help you restore your server back to normal and recover the lost data.


7+ советов по использованию 2+ жестких дисков в «Windows»

Персональные компьютерные устройства обладают огромными внутренними, заложенными производителями, возможностями, и участвуют в исполнении множества разнообразных, значительно отличающихся по объему, затратам и направленности, процессов, чем оказывают неоценимую помощь пользователям во многих сферах деятельности.

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