Windows Based Data Recovery Tools in Los Angeles

Programs compatible with Windows Vista, Seven, Eight, XP for recovering deleted or corrupted files from Hetman Software in Los Angeles.

What Is BIOS and When You Need to Use it?

Read this article to find out how to access BIOS or UEFI settings and modify them. BIOS is the first thing that boots when your computer starts. It initiates hardware before booting the operating system from the hard disk or another device. Many low-level system settings can be accessed through BIOS only. Most of the time, modern PC is likely to have UEFI, which is nothing but successor to the good old BIOS. These two are very similar. Sometimes, their interfaces may look so alike it’s hard to tell one from the other.


How to Transfer Files and Settings From One Computer To Another

This article describes methods for transferring data from one computer to another with data integrity guaranteed and little effort required. Transferring files, settings and programs to a new computer could seem difficult and even frightening for average users, especially when they don’t know how to do it and what steps to take first.


Как включить и использовать журнал буфера обмена в «Windows 10»?

Простая операция копирования и последующей вставки разнообразного содержимого в операционной системе Windows 10 дополнена новыми возможностями, доступными после активации соответствующей функции. И далее, в данном обзоре, мы подробнее рассмотрим простой способ ее включения и варианты последующего взаимодействия.

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