DOCX: Lost or Deleted Documents Restore in Los Angeles

Recovery of *.docx and *.doc documents of Microsoft Word using specialized tools from Hetman Software in Los Angeles.

Recovering Data After a Blackout

Let’s see what may happen to your files if the power goes off. Consequences of a power surge or blackout can be really sad for your data. Power surges, blackouts and brownouts caused many troubles to computer users. Let’s face it: not every computer in the world is equipped with a battery pack or a UPS. The consequences of a power surge or blackout can be severe for your information. Let’s see what can happen to your file if the power is suddenly lost.


Forensic Disk Analysis

Read about the difference between commercial anmd forensic approaches to data recovery. Information recovery methods in forensics; algorithms, requirements and software for collecting evidence. Digital forensics and data recovery walk hand to hand. Developers of forensic analysis tools implement many of the same algorithms and use most of the same techniques available in the recovery tools. There are, however, certain differences in reasoning and approaches between the two categories of tools even aside of the massive price difference.


Recovering Office Document Files

Read about recovering a deleted document without leaving your home, and what utilities are good enough for an ordinary user. Documents such as Word files, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Access databases and a wide range of other titles are among the most valuable to their users. Unlike photographs that can be snapped in an instant, it takes a lot of time to create a document. And it only takes a single moment to lose it.


Why Deleted Files Can Be Recovered?

Get to know how files are stored on your hard disk and how Windows works when you delete files. With so many inexpensively priced data recovery and undelete tools on the market, one may wonder what magic they do to get deleted files back. Is it really a very complex and time-consuming process, or can anyone do it at home? To answer the question, we should first look at what Windows does when you delete a file.


Recovering Deleted Documents, Spreadsheets and Presentation

Read about the causes of losing office documents, electronic tables and presentations, and how to recover the most valuable stuff you used to have. Office documents are among the most important files for any computer user. Accidentally deleting or otherwise losing a single document may require days or even weeks of work to re-create. Yet unsuspecting computer users around the world are losing hundreds of documents every day. Why does this happen, and what can be done about it? Let’s try to find out.

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