Safe HDD Data Recovery after File Deletion and Disk Formation in LA

Recovery of built-in and external HDDs using Hetman Software tools in Los Angeles.

Як відновити файли з RAID 6 після збою контролера або виходу з ладу дисків

Сталося жахливе, ваш новенький RAID 6 перестав подавати ознаки життя... Що робити і як відновити з нього інформацію? Що стало причиною виходу з ладу? В нашій статті ви знайдете відповіді на всі ці запитання.


The Seven Ways to Free Some Space In Your Hard Disk

Read this article about several new ways to remove unneeded files, applications and games which are no longer used on your computer. While the capacity of hard disks is growing all the time, the amount of free space in people’s computers is decreasing miraculously. It feels even more painful in case with SSDs which tend to provide us with much less space to use than conventional hard disks.


How to Recover Files From a Dead PC

In today’s article, we will explore the methods to recover data from a computer that doesn’t work, how to take out the hard disk and connect it to another PC, and what data recovery tools to use. If a computer won’t boot, there are either problems with its operating system or with the hardware (some components may be dead). If there are any important files inside the computer, this tutorial will help you get them. In fact, though, no one can guarantee that the data can be recovered.

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