Device Manager Error: How To Fix in Windows 10

Learn how to troubleshoot and fix Device Manager errors in Windows 10 with this comprehensive guide. Whether you’re facing hardware conflicts, driver issues, or other errors, this tutorial covers everything you need to know. Dive deep into step-by-step instructions and essential tips for resolving Device Manager errors and ensuring smooth operation of your Windows 10 system.

How to correct an error in Device Manager?

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Enable The Device in Device Manager

An error may occur if a new gadget is disabled in Device Manager. To enable it, do as follows:

Device Manager Error: How To Fix in Windows 10
  1. Review the list of device categories and click on the arrow next to the category of your device. The device may be marked with a yellow triangle.
  2. Right-click on the device name and click Properties.
  3. In the dialogue box Device Properties go to Driver tab and click the button Enable.
  4. Restart Windows if necessary.

Install The Default Driver Suggested by Windows

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How to Install or Safely Update Device Drivers for Windows 10, 8 or 7 📀🔄💻

How to Install or Safely Update Device Drivers for Windows 10, 8 or 7 📀🔄💻

The error can occur when a driver for your device is not available. To install the driver, follow these steps:

  1. Review the list of device categories and click on the arrow next to the category of your device. The device may be marked with a yellow triangle.
  2. Right-click on the device name and click Properties.
  3. In the dialogue box Device Properties go to Driver tab and click the button Update Driver.
  4. Update the driver using Search automatically for updated driver software.
  5. Restart Windows if necessary.
Install The Default Driver Suggested by Windows

Note. If you can’t find the driver automatically Windows will suggest you to specify the path to the necessary device driver. In this case, you should download the latest driver version from the manufacturer’s official website.

Install an Alternative Driver For The Device

An error can occur because of a driver installed incorrectly, so installing alternative software can fix this problem. If your device is working with a default driver, find and download a driver from the official website of your device manufacturer. To install it, do the following:

Install an Alternative Driver For The Device
  1. Review the list of device categories and click on the arrow next to the category of your device. The device may be marked with a yellow triangle.
  2. Right-click on the device name and click Properties.
  3. In the dialogue box Device Properties go to Driver tab and click the button Update Driver.
  4. Update the driver using Browse my computer for driver software, then specify the location of the downloaded driver and click Next.
  5. Restart Windows if necessary.

Note. Device software can be provided as an installation file (usually setup.exe). In this case, just launch the file and follow the directions of its installation wizard.

Delete and Reinstall The Driver

The error can occur because of a driver installed incorrectly or if some of its files damaged or deleted. In this case, deleting and reinstalling software will fix the problem. To delete the driver:

  1. Review the list of device categories and click on the arrow next to the category of your device. The device may be marked with a yellow triangle.
  2. Right-click on the device name and click Properties.
  3. In the dialogue box Device Properties go to Driver tab and click the button Uninstall.
  4. Restart your computer.
  5. Then install the default driver suggested by Windows or from the manufacturer’s official website.

Install the device with the help of Add Hardware Wizard

If the driver is installed but your computer cannot recognize the device yet, it can be installed with the help of Add Hardware Wizard. To launch Add Hardware Wizard do the following:

Install the device with the help of Add Hardware Wizard
  1. Right-click on the Start button, then on Run menu.
  2. Type in command hdwwiz, then click Enter.

Install the device following the wizard direction and clicking the Next button.

Reconnect The Device

An error can occur when you try to use the device after “Safely Remove Hardware” command. In this case, disconnect the device physically and reconnect it again. Windows is supposed to show you a notice.

Reconnect The Device

Delete The Devices You Are Not Using

The error can occur if the registry size limit is exceeded. The problem can result from the registry containing records of many devices that were connected to the computer earlier.

Delete The Devices You Are Not Using

So delete the devices you are not using anymore:

  1. Adjust the Device Manager to show the devices which are no longer connected to the computer:
    • Right-click on the Start menu and select Run.
    • In the Open field type in the cmd command to open the Command prompt window.
    • In the command prompt, type in the command Set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices = 1 and press Enter.
  2. In the Device Manager, select the menu item View / Show hidden devices. Now you can see the devices which are no longer connected to your computer.
  3. Delete the devices you are no longer using:
    • Select the device you need to delete.
    • In the dialogue box of the device properties go to the Driver tab and click Uninstall. Then follow the directions.
    • Restart the computer if necessary.
  4. Now have a look at the dialogue box of the device properties in the Device Manager to see if the error has been fixed.

Close All Running Programs

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Task Manager in Windows 10, 8 and 7 (Functions, Starting and Restoring) 💻📊🛠️

Task Manager in Windows 10, 8 and 7 (Functions, Starting and Restoring) 💻📊🛠️

If your computer lacks memory to start a device, you can free up some memory by closing several of the programs which are running at the moment. To do it, launch the Task Manager by pressing the key combination CTRL + ALT + DELETE or right-clicking on the Start menu and selecting the menu item with the same name.

Close All Running Programs

Select the application which you need to close and click on End task. If this method doesn’t help, you may need to add more memory (RAM).

Restore The Last Known Good Registry Configuration

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How to Recover Windows 10 Registry From a Backup Copy ♻️📝💻

If installation of a device driver blocks booting of the operating system, you can boot the last known good configuration of your system. The function “Last Known Good Configuration” is a recovery method you can use to repair your computer with the last effective parameters. This function restores all data, drivers and registry settings used during the last successful start of your computer/laptop.

Restore The Last Known Good Registry Configuration

To start this function press F8 while the system is loading and you will see a classic boot menu. Specify the necessary boot method and this function will be launched.

Enable The Device in BIOS

For any device to work correctly under a Windows OS, it has to be first recognized by BIOS. Usually it happens automatically. If it doesn’t,BIOS should be updated. To do it, download firmware from the official website of your computer/laptop manufacturer and follow the directions on how to adjust it properly.

Note. Updating firmware may result in blocking the system completely, so do it only in case of urgent need. Make sure you have downloaded the latest firmware and it is fully compatible with your hardware. Observe all installation recommendations and create a backup copy of your important data. If you don’t feel confident of what you are going to do, trust this job to professionals.

If the solutions above do not help you, you may need to replace the device.

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How to Reset Windows 10 or 8 PC If The Operating System Won't Boot 🔄💻📀

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Vladimir Artiukh

Author: , Technical Writer

Vladimir Artiukh is a technical writer for Hetman Software, as well as the voice and face of their English-speaking YouTube channel, Hetman Software: Data Recovery for Windows. He handles tutorials, how-tos, and detailed reviews on how the company’s tools work with all kinds of data storage devices.

Oleg Afonin

Editor: , Technical Writer

Oleg Afonin is an expert in mobile forensics, data recovery and computer systems. He often attends large data security conferences, and writes several blogs for such resources as, Elcomsoft and Habr. In addition to his online activities, Oleg’s articles are also published in professional magazines. Also, Oleg Afonin is the co-author of a well-known book, Mobile Forensics - Advanced Investigative Strategies.

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