Fixing BSOD ("blue screen of death") error in Los Angeles

Causes and methods of fixing BSOD errors. Recovering lost data after "blue screen of death" with Hetman Software programs in Los Angeles.

Error “Inaccessible Boot Device” in Windows 10

Read about the causes of INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE error and how to fix it. Inaccessible Boot Device is a frequent mistake that appears after upgrading from previous versions of Windows. When it affects a computer, it begins to restart and often just freezes, so the user has to restart the system manually. The most annoying thing is that any unsaved data is irretrievably lost.


Windows 10 For Dummies: Why Black Screen Appears And How To Solve The Problem

Read about solving Windows 10 black screen problem, possible causes and how you can fix it. Many users who updated their older operating systems to Windows 10 encountered various problems. One of the most popular ones is the so-called black screen which may appear both after installation of the new version and in the middle of the updating process. While more advanced users can fix the problems with little effort, beginners face a certain challenge. However, do not give way to panic and call an expert home, because there is a very simple way to cope with the problem, though it requires some work to be done.


What Should I Do If My Computer Freezes?

Read how to find out why your computer freezes, encounters errors, restarts on its own or flashes a blue screen of death, and how to get more information on these errors. Very often users have to face this problem when they are working, playing games, starting their computers or installing their operating system. This is the case when it is rather difficult to find the cause of the problem.


List of Windows BSoD Error Codes

A "blue screen of death" is the name for a critical Windows OS error that interrupts the work of a computer completely. BSOD errors emerge in any version of this operating system including Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP and even Windows 98/95.

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