Data Recovery & Information Security Blog

This blog highlights issues in recovering data from various storage devices. We explore opportunities provided by our data recovery algorithms and offer useful tips to prevent data loss. Follow us in social networks and recommend our materials to your friends.

Expert Advice: Data Recovery from a RAID Array with a Dead Fujitsu D3116 Controller

Unforeseen issues like a dead Fujitsu D3116 controller can lead to data loss in RAID arrays, posing significant challenges for businesses and individuals alike. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into effective strategies for recovering data from a RAID array with a dead Fujitsu D3116 controller. Our step-by-step tutorial provides clear instructions and expert insights to help you navigate through the recovery process. From diagnosing the problem to implementing recovery solutions, we cover everything you need to know to retrieve your valuable data and minimize downtime.


Mastering Image Generation with Artificial Intelligence (Neural Network): Midjourney Guide

Join Midjourney in this comprehensive guide on how to generate high-quality images using artificial intelligence (neural network) technology. Whether you're a photographer, graphic designer, or enthusiast, mastering image generation with AI opens up a world of creative possibilities. In this tutorial, Midjourney walks you through essential steps and expert techniques for leveraging neural networks to produce stunning images. From understanding AI algorithms to optimizing output quality, this guide covers everything you need to know to create impressive visuals.


Dead Dell PERC H310 Controller? Recover Your Data with These Steps

In this article, we’ll explore how to recover data from a RAID system with a dead Dell PERC H310 controller. Whether you're facing data loss due to a controller failure or seeking proactive measures, this tutorial provides expert insights and practical solutions. From diagnosing issues to implementing recovery strategies, we'll equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to retrieve your valuable data and mitigate downtime effectively.


How to Expand a Virtual Machine Disk or Add New Disks in VMware, VirtualBox, Hyper-V

In this article, we’ll explore how to expand a disk and how to add new disks in such virtual machines as VmWare, VirtualBox, HyperV. When a new virtual machine is created, you also create a virtual hard disk for it, and you specify the disk size in the settings. However, as you work with the machine, it may turn out that this disk size is not enough for your needs. What should you do in this case? How to increase the size of an existing disk?

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