Fixing “A Disk Read Error Occurred” or “BOOTMGR is Missing”

Resolve Common Boot Errors With Ease! Stuck with “A Disk Read Error Occurred” or “BOOTMGR is Missing” on your PC? Don’t panic! In this troubleshooting guide, we’ll walk you through step-by-step solutions to fix these frustrating errors. Whether you’re encountering these issues on a desktop or laptop, we’ve got you covered. From checking disk connections to repairing the boot manager, we’ll cover all the troubleshooting steps you need to know. Say goodbye to boot problems and get your system up and running smoothly again!

Fixing “A Disk Read Error Occurred” or “BOOTMGR is Missing”

Errors like this can be triggered by many factors such as wrong BIOS configuration, a virus infestation, damage to the hard disk and so on. Here are some possible solutions:

Error Cause Description
A disk read error occurred Hard drive damage Physical damage, controller failure, or connection issues with the hard disk.
A disk read error occurred File system corruption Improper shutdown, corrupted boot record, or partition table damage.
A disk read error occurred Incorrect boot order The BIOS is set to boot from a device that doesn’t contain the OS.
BOOTMGR is Missing BOOTMGR deletion or corruption BOOTMGR (Boot Manager) is deleted or corrupted due to viruses, updates, or manual intervention.
BOOTMGR is Missing Boot media issues Problems with USB device, memory card, or CD/DVD that does not contain boot files.
BOOTMGR is Missing Boot record corruption MBR or GPT is corrupted, preventing the system from detecting BOOTMGR.
BOOTMGR is Missing Operating system issues Outdated or incompatible Windows updates, corrupted system files.

Step 1. Disable external storage devices

If there are any external devices connected to your computer, such as DVD or USB drives, disconnect them to see if the error appears again.

Disable external storage devices

Step 2. Check the connection

Although your computer worked all right last time, it doesn’t mean that it will work properly the next time you start it. It is quite possible that such an error can be caused by poor contact with the hard disk, so it’s a good idea to test the quality of connection.

Check the connection

Step 3. Check the device with other PCs

In addition to a hard disk problem, other PC components may break down as well. That means that you should check the disk operability with another computer which is in good working condition.

Step 4. Check the OS boot priority

Choosing a wrong bot priority in BIOS can also result in one of such errors. If your computer has several storage devices, you should check the boot sequence settings.

Check the OS boot priority

Step 5. Restore MBR or boot sector

Damage to MBR, the Master Boot Record, can also cause read disk errors. To fix it, you will have to bot from a Windows installation disk or USB drive.

Restore MBR or boot sector

Click Next. Select Repair your computer.

Restore MBR or boot sector

Then Troubleshooting


Then Advanced options

Advanced options

Open the Command Prompt.

Open the Command Prompt

Type the commands:

bootrec /fixmbr

– to overwrite the master boot record (MBR)

bootrec /fixboot

– to write a new boot sector.

Open the Command Prompt

After restarting the computer, the operating system should boot properly. Learn more about automatic recovery in Windows from the video:

Go to view
Repair Windows With the Automatic Recovery Console / How to Enter the Recovery Environment 🛠️👨‍💻⚕️

Repair Windows With the Automatic Recovery Console / How to Enter the Recovery Environment 🛠️👨‍💻⚕️

Step 6. Update BIOS

If BIOS was not updated for a long time or you installed new computer parts, the outdated BIOS may affect how Windows boots. In the end, you may have to update it.

You can watch a video in our YouTube channel and see how to update BIOS.

Step 7. Reset BIOS

In some situations, the problem can be fixed by resetting BIOS. You can do it in its settings or manually, be removing the corresponding battery.

Reset BIOS
Reset BIOS

Step 8. Check the RAM

A malfunctioning RAM stick or slot can also generate the error A Disk Read Error Occurred.

Check the RAM

You can find a good tutorial on that matter in one of our articles.

Step 9. Run disk defragmentation

If you can connect the faulty disk to another PC, you can defragment it with the help of system-integrated utilities. Doing it can be one of the ways to tackle the problem with seeing the message A Disk Read Error Occurred.

Run disk defragmentation

Also, you can use other software tools as well, and you are welcome to learn more from the video:

Go to view
How to Check Your Hard Disk for Errors and Fix Them in Windows 10 🔎🛠️🗄️

How to Check Your Hard Disk for Errors and Fix Them in Windows 10 🔎🛠️🗄️

Step 10. Run CHKDSK command

Start the command prompt the way described in point 6, and type the following:

chkdsk с: /r

Run disk defragmentation
Vladimir Artiukh

Author: , Technical Writer

Vladimir Artiukh is a technical writer for Hetman Software, as well as the voice and face of their English-speaking YouTube channel, Hetman Software: Data Recovery for Windows. He handles tutorials, how-tos, and detailed reviews on how the company’s tools work with all kinds of data storage devices.

Oleg Afonin

Editor: , Technical Writer

Oleg Afonin is an expert in mobile forensics, data recovery and computer systems. He often attends large data security conferences, and writes several blogs for such resources as, Elcomsoft and Habr. In addition to his online activities, Oleg’s articles are also published in professional magazines. Also, Oleg Afonin is the co-author of a well-known book, Mobile Forensics - Advanced Investigative Strategies.

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